The Magic of House Cleaning Salt Lake City

There is a certain kind of magic associated with house cleaning Salt Lake City of which the readers of the Magic Mart Blog are well aware. The magic part itself is not to difficult to explain. What is more difficult to explain, however, is how a house once magically transformed from disorder to order through the agency of a house cleaning service is then able to sustain its mystical quality. For we all know that a house if left to its own devices will not only fall into a state of disorder but will quickly fall into a state of disrepair if not maintained as it should be maintained.


In order for a house to be maintained properly it must be kept clean and repaired on a regular basis. This much is (or should be) obvious to all. However, we would all probably agree that repairs are of a different order and magnitude than cleaning. In other words, repairs and cleaning exist on the same spectrum and as such they are in a sense of the same substance. For this reason we should not think of repairs as anything other than a cleaning with greater intensity. In the same respect we should not think of a cleaning as anything other than a less intense repair.

This in a sense explains the magic inherent in a house cleaning. Because for all intents and purposes a house cleaning is a type of house repair. In this way we can see that a clean house tends to stay in better repair than an unclean house. This is the very magic that I have been trying to get to from the very first paragraph of this blog post. The take home message should be very clear at this point. It is, keep your house clean in order to maintain its magic.


A Cleaning Service Salt Lake City is Like Magic

There is something very magic about a cleaning service Salt Lake City because it turns a messy house into a clean one. Now this might seem like a silly proposition to make but the assertion inherent in the statement is a bit more profound than it tends to sound at first blush. The truth of this assertion becomes apparent when one considers his or her psychological state whilst living in a messy house compared to his or her psychological state whilst living in a house once it has been properly cleaned. The relative difference is palpable in the extreme to be sure.


The difference in psychology is readily apparent. When a man or woman lives in a messy house it wears him or her down. There is always the lurking worry that the house at some point will have to be clean. There is the depression that comes from knowing that the house could be in a better state but is not. There is the uncomfortable feeling of being dirty as a result of living in and around dirt. There is lack of focus that comes with living in an chaotic environment.

All this changes once the house has been cleaned. The worry is gone. The depression is gone. The discomfort is gone. The lack of focus dissipates. All this is multiplied tenfold by the idea that the house has been made clean by another person. In that instance, the time spent cleaning the house on his or her own has not been lost. It is a very efficient use of available resources. In many ways hiring a cleaning service brings the world in proper working order. By hiring a cleaning service a home owner is performing a service for the world.

Green Cleaning Service Salt Lake City

Cleaning services are nothing new, but what is changing is the way people are cleaning. We are slowly coming to realize that all the harsh chemicals and cleaning processes that we have been using for the past decades may not be giving us the clean house we think they are. Many of the cleaning products and tools that were lauded in the past as the very best way to clean are in truth making our home a depository for dangerous chemicals and air born pollutants. But in the last 20 years the industry has been undergoing a change. The use of more environmentally friendly products and procedures has been on the rise and no more so than in the last few years.

The problem can be that most of us don’t know what green cleaning involves. In fact, we may not even know where to find the products and tools that are both effective and good for the environment. There are three main ways that you can convert your cleaning to green.

HEPA filtered Vacuums

HEPA or high-efficiency particulate arrestance filters are the best technology to eliminate particulates in the air of you home. They have multiple uses but one of the most important places they are used in the latest styles of vacuums.

Microfiber Clothes & Tools

The use of microfiber cloth in various forms will eliminate the need for some of the chemicals, like dusting products, which have been the standard for years.

Green Seal Certified Cleaning Products

Green Seal, a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding and sourcing green cleaning products, has a full line of products. They have been tested for safety, effectiveness, as well as sustainability and promise to provide all the cleaning power you need without all the harsh chemicals.

If keeping you home clean and green is important to you there is no better way than to let the experts do it. Green Envy Maids can provide green cleaning service Salt Lake City and is here to help you with any job you have around the home.