The Magic of the St George Shuttle

Let us now discuss the magic of the St George Shuttle and what it can do to make your life more infused with magic. As a matter of fact this discussion is long overdue. In other words we should have had it a long time ago. This is true for many reasons, chief among them that but for the fact that we have not had this discussion the information that would have been transferred as a result of having had this discussion would have already been transferred. It is (gentle reader) just as simple as that and not a bit more.

The Magical Wendover Fun Bus

We all are in love with magic and that is the reason why we write and you read this blog. There quite simply is no other reason for us to write this blog and therefore there is literally no other reason for you to read this blog. As such, the fact that you have read up to this point in the blog post means that you love magic just as much as we (the writers of this blog) love magic. Accordingly, not only do you love magic (as has been established by your reading habits) but we love magic as well (as has been established by our writing habits).

All this is pretty obvious stuff but it bears writing out just the same because we all benefit by the documenting of general concepts. When a concept has been documented it need not be actively (or passively for that matter) be retained in the memory of a person or persons. This is good because human memories are liable to fail for all manner of reasons. Therefore, to avoid the problem of a human memory failing and the subsequent loss of a particular memory we have taken the time to document the concept.



The Magic of a Drum Pump

There is a magical quality to a drum pump that many people are not entirely aware of. This magical quality is not so easy to describe, however. But it shall be the aim of this blog post to describe this magical quality even though it is not easily describable. It is not easy to describe because magic is under most circumstances in an intangible matter and intangible matters are not as easy to describe as solid, concrete objects. So what then is this magical quality that the drum pump possesses? How might someone describe it so that the average person can understand.


A tote pump is not so different than a drum pump in this regard. That is, they both have magical qualities which are not easy to describe because they are intangible. Despite the fact that these magical qualities are intangible, as author of this blog post, I am obligated to a certain extent to attempt to describe the magical and intangible quality of the drum pump and the tote pump. Sometimes magical qualities are not intangible and are therefore easier to describe. Unfortunately this is not one of those times and thus the task at hand remains a difficult one to accomplish.

So I ask you again (gentle reader), what is this magical quality that the drum pump (or tote pump if you will) happens to possess and how might I best describe it if it is so intangible a quality as to be difficult to describe? These are no easy questions to answer for the very same reason that it is difficult to describe the magical qualities inherent in the drum pump and the tote pump. That very same reason is that the magical qualities in question are intangible and hard to describe.