How To Prepare And Pass The ACT Test

act practice test

Are you getting ready to take the ACT test, but you dont really know where to start or how it works? If youre not exactly sure on how to prepare for the test, there are few things you should know. Below I will list a few do’s and donts that you need to do before the actual test day, to really prepare yourself to do your best on the test.

1 Register For The ACT 

The first and the most important step is to get registered to take the test. The easiest way to register is online.  Registering for ACT’s will include, you making an log in on their website. Once you have made and account and signed in, you will want to pick the date, time and location of the test. Picking the date for the test is a very important step, when picking the date you want to take the test, amke sure you will have plenty of time to prepare and study. I would recommend picking a date at least three months ahead. 

2.Learn How The ACT Test Works

The next important step after you get registered is to learn and understand how exactly the test works. The ACT test is out of 36 points. The test it self consists of multiple choice questions, math, english, reading and science. The total number of questions on the test is 216 and the test is about 3 hours long.


  • English has 45 questions, and is 45 minutes 
  • Math has 60 questions and is 60 minutes
  • Science has 40 questions and is 35 minutes 
  • Reading has 40 questions and is 35 minutes 

3.  Study For The ACT’s

The major key to passing the test is to take time to focus on studying. The best way to study is to focus on one subject at a time. There are many study guides and books online that you can use to study and everything is free. Take atleast an hour or two out of your day to study. When you are studying, you will want to put away all the distractions includig your phone. Sometimes you can also find a study group that can help you learn more. You will want to try to study a couple different ways, and then find the best way that works for you. When have studied for a while, you will want to take a practice test and see how you do, there are free  act practice test online that you can use. 

4.Be Ready For The Test And Know How It Works

To give yourself the best chance to succeed on test day, you will want to be well rested and relaxed. Make sure you are completely prepared and ready for it, that means if you have already studied and took the act practice test. If theres a chance that you might think youre not ready, try to rescaduele the test day. Make sure you are not distracted by anything before the test, distractions can really make you sometimes forget what you learned, and that can give you a lower score on the test.