Tote Pump Magic

In this blog post we would like to discuss the magic that is infused into the product known as the tote pump and how it can effect magic in the mart of your daily existence. First, it must be established that your life is like a magical mart. This is part of the origin of the blog you are presently reading. Your life is like a magical mart because of all the many options you have as a person living in the modern world. It is as if you are strolling down the aisle of some mammoth grocery store and on the shelves sit all the options of your life just waiting to be taken off the shelf and placed in your cart.


When you take the tote pump off the shelf of the magic mart of your life and place it within the cart of your soul you have embarked upon a journey of wonder. Of course there will be other items that you will take off the shelves and place along side that aforementioned magical item. And eventually you shall make your way to the check out counter where the clerk will scan all the items in your cart and tally up the price.

Once all your magical items have been tallied and you have “paid” the price you are then free to leave the magic mart and subject yourself to the real world. But now you will have all of these magical items to aid you on your quest. There shall be many trials and test ahead of you. And along the way you shall encounter allies, enemies and threshold guardians. Steadily, however, you shall approach that inmost cave wherein your deepest, darkest fears will be met and overcome. On the other side you shall emerge a new person.