Tell Me What You Really Think

My accuser stated, “… it is the high IQ white males who claim to be Christian who nonetheless do nothing to alter the mind of mass white man.” I assume by this he means that the high IQ white males are doing nothing to convince the people who believe that God is dead to believe that He is in fact alive and well. I do not know if he thinks of me as a high IQ white male. I am a white male. He has in the past described me as high IQ but I am not sure if he did that to butter my bread and get me to agree with him. I also do not know what he expects me to do. Does he want me to preach on the streets? Does he want me to go door to door? Does he want me to start arguments on the internet as he does? I simply do not know.


I am also not sure why he is feeling so out of sorts. Certainly if God is all powerful He can work to change the hearts of man. For example, in the Book of Genesis God created a world flood which undoubtedly cause extensive water damage Utah all over the place. I am not sure why my accuser thinks that I am not pulling my weight in the war for souls or whatever he wants to call it. I also do not think picking fights with people on the internet is the best way to achieve the outcome he professes to want to achieve.


It is obvious to me that what he professes to want to achieve and what he actually wants to achieve are two vastly different things. I do not think he really wants to appease God so as to prevent Him from inflicting more water damage Utah upon the face of the Earth. What I really think he wants to do is to make another anonymous person on the internet feel ashamed of himself just like he does.