Park City Taxi Magic

There is a certain magic inherent to a Park City taxi that begins to rub off on its passengers. When a passenger sits down in the back seat of a taxi in Park City he or she will begin to feel a tingle. This sensation is the feeling of the magic being transferred from the taxi to the person riding in the taxi. Not only does this transfer of magic result in the feeling of a tingle but it also results in an augmentation of the rider’s personal power. But what exactly is personal power in this context? That will be the subject of the following two paragraphs.


The paranormal author from the 1960s named Carlos Castaneda wrote about his experiences with the Yaqui Indian shaman named Don Juan Matus. Carlos Castaneda for many years studied under this sorcerer and spiritual master as his apprentice. During the course of his studies, Don Juan spoke a great deal about cultivating personal power. Just what exactly this personal power is was never precisely defined in the writings of Carlos Castaneda but by reading the many books a certain sense of what personal power is can be appreciated to a certain extent.

Personal power seems to be (as described by Castaneda) a source of energy that both protects a person and allows a person to perform certain miraculous actions. By protection, we are talking about protection from malevolent spiritual beings who might try to harm a person who is unaware or unguarded. By miraculous actions we are talking about flying, moving swiftly, perceiving the imperceptible and many other things. How this relates to riding in a taxi is difficult to explain in the remaining word count for this blog post. But I think the reader has gotten a sense of it.

The Magic of Park City Taxi

It is time to discuss the magic of Park City taxi and what it can do for you. The simple truth of the matter is that when you visit Park City you will need some form of transportation to get you to all the various sights and attractions. It is true that this blog is all about magic but if I am being perfectly honest with you (gentle reader) there is not going to be any form of magical transportation in Park City that you will be able to rely upon. It would be far better for you to hire a taxi service to drive you around and that should be magic enough.


When you think about it, moving from one place to another is a magical experience. One moment you are in one location and then next moment you are in another location. And using a taxi service to augment the efficacy of this process is even more magical still. And let’s face it, walking and taking the bus are both for chumps and no reader of the Magic Mart blog is a chump. For this reason a Magic Mart reader will need to hire a taxi.

Life is magic. The very fact that we exist in the first place is a wonder of wonders. Why is there something rather than nothing? Would it not have been far less complicated for there to be nothing rather than something? This question is a little more complicated than it might appear at first glance. Come to think about it, it might actually be more complicated for there to be nothing rather than something. Because if there was nothing there would be nothing to be aware of the nothing and can it really be said that there is anything if nothing is aware of it?

The Magic of Park City Taxi

This week it is time to get “On Purpose” by using a Park City taxi to get you to where you want to be. Think about it. You are where you are and you want to get to another location where you are not. The problem is that the place you want to be is too far to walk to and you do not have your own car at your disposal because it is presently being serviced for some reason or another. What possible solution do you have left to choose from. One option is to remain where you are but if you choose to do that you will in no way be furthering your goal to get “On Purpose.” So what to do?


The obvious solution (if you happen to be in Park City and where you want to go to is also in Park City) is to hail a Park City taxi. Not only will a taxi transport you without the need to resort to your legs or your own car as a form of conveyance but you will also incur other (perhaps unseen or unnoticed potential) benefits as well.

The first unnoticed benefit will be the benefit of not having to worry about where you will park your car. We all know that it is not fun or inexpensive to deal with a car that has been towed away to some impound lot in an area of town that you would rather not visit. Taking a taxi effectively eliminates this worry from your mind. And when you are free from worry you are one step closer to being “On Purpose.” Because being “On Purpose” really is a state of mind more than anything else. Therefore to get “On Purpose” you must adopt the correct mental framework.