Tote Pump Magic

The Magic Mart blog does not typically write posts about tote pumps and their magical qualities. The simple reason for this lack of coverage regarding this particular topic is that there is nothing particularly magical about this particular piece of equipment. Accordingly, it could be said that the Magic Mart blog does not typically write posts on this subject because there would be no information to make up the content of the post. However, this in no way should stop a content creator from writing on the subject because any content creator worth his (or her) salt should be able to create content on any subject for any reason.


The reason this particular blog post has been assigned the “Home Magic” category is (other than the fact that a category must be selected) is that many people who create content for a living work from home. Accordingly, being able to create content on any subject is a form of “Home Magic” for the person who works from home performing this function. That is to say, working from home creating content creates wealth for the content creator which is a form of making something from nothing. This is a form of magic that is generated in the home. Hence the category, “Home Magic.”

A more difficult topic is trying to define the word “magic.” According to, the word magic is defined as:

the art of producing a desired effect or result through the use ofincantation or various other techniques that presumably assurehuman control of supernatural agencies or the forces of nature.”

Accordingly, the term “magic” as used on this blog could be said to mean the art of producing a desired effect or result which is the creation of content and wealth.

The Magic of a Drum Pump

There is a magical quality to a drum pump that many people are not entirely aware of. This magical quality is not so easy to describe, however. But it shall be the aim of this blog post to describe this magical quality even though it is not easily describable. It is not easy to describe because magic is under most circumstances in an intangible matter and intangible matters are not as easy to describe as solid, concrete objects. So what then is this magical quality that the drum pump possesses? How might someone describe it so that the average person can understand.


A tote pump is not so different than a drum pump in this regard. That is, they both have magical qualities which are not easy to describe because they are intangible. Despite the fact that these magical qualities are intangible, as author of this blog post, I am obligated to a certain extent to attempt to describe the magical and intangible quality of the drum pump and the tote pump. Sometimes magical qualities are not intangible and are therefore easier to describe. Unfortunately this is not one of those times and thus the task at hand remains a difficult one to accomplish.

So I ask you again (gentle reader), what is this magical quality that the drum pump (or tote pump if you will) happens to possess and how might I best describe it if it is so intangible a quality as to be difficult to describe? These are no easy questions to answer for the very same reason that it is difficult to describe the magical qualities inherent in the drum pump and the tote pump. That very same reason is that the magical qualities in question are intangible and hard to describe.

Buy a Drum Pump in the Magic Mart

We invite all of our loyal readers to purchase a drum pump from our Magic Mart. Nothing could ever possibly be more convenient or cost effective than purchasing any product through our wonderful magic portal. There is a reason why we call this place Magic Mart and that reason is most decidedly because when you purchase a product through our portal it will appear on your door step almost as if by magic. This all occurs through the magic of the internet which is a technology that only twenty years ago did not exist in a wide spread use capacity.

Magic Drum Pumps For All My Friends!

The simple truth of the matter is that the world will become a much better place once all the loyal readers of the Magic Mart blog purchase a drum pump over the internet. Once they have in their possession this particular piece of technology they will be able to pump the liquid contents out of the drums in their garage into some other container they might possess. This is good news for everyone who needs to remove the contents of their drum sitting in their garage. Once the liquid contents have been pumped from the drum they will be ready to employed for what ever purpose they were originally designed to be used for.

Liquid contents were never intended to remain inside of drums sitting in garages. They were clearly designed to be used for the purposes they were designed to be used for and these purposes cannot be put into effect if the liquid remains inside the drum. It is for this purpose that the pump is required to extricate said liquid from the drum to be put to its proper and intended use. For this reason we implore our readers to make use of the portal that is Magic Mart!