Post Construction Cleaning

Doing a Big Remodel? Here’s a Guide to Post Construction Cleaning

Your big remodel is finished and your home looks mind blowing. This is the best feeling you can ever have in your life. But wait, what to do with all the waste and dust. (Yes, uncomfortably beautiful!)

So, there’s still some work to do! Post construction cleaning is a drag, however a basic step before you can take a load off is hiring a maid service in Nashville. Trustworthy one!

Here are the most amazing tips to ensure your post-remodel cleanup goes as fast – and productively – as could it be expected.

Before you relax in your recently remodeled home, there are a few stages you have to pass to reach your remodel flawlessly.

Keep in mind: if you have sensitive lungs or respiratory issues, consider wearing a mask for the cleaning cycle. This will keep you from inconvenience by taking in residue and waste dust.

Guide to Post Construction Cleaning

Step 1: Clear First

It’s important to clean all the surfaces as the first step of cleaning. Always remember to clear the floors first.

Step 2: Open the Windows

If it’s the season of winter, it is important to open your windows. This will make a wind flow to draw out dust, decrease smells from cleaning items, and limit the odd scents of dust and sawn wood.

Step 3: Scrap Everything (We Mean It. Everything.)

Take out the microfiber fabrics and wipe down everything in sight. Old clothes will not do the work as required. You need to use cleaning materials intended to clean dust particles.

Remember to clean between blinds, window sills, the highest points of door, racking units, pantries, and floors. Start in one corner of the room close to the exit and work your way back around to a similar entryway.

Step 4: Now It’s Vacuum Time

Run the vacuum cleaner over your rugs gradually. Start with the rugs and relocate with the extra vacuum after that. It’s important to go at max throttle to clean your remodel house way more quickly. If you miss a spot or don’t deep clean, dust and residue will keep on coming out of the rug when you walk on it.

Step 5:  Check Your Air Vents

It is the most frequently forgotten part during a post-remodel cleaning process: air vents.

These are a magnet for dust.

It is important to vacuum inside and outside of your vents. This will prevent any blockage in your cooling or heating system. It will also prevent any residue from coming again into the room.

Step 6: Wipe Hard Surfaces (and Dry Them, Too)

Wipe down any hard surfaces like kitchen counters with sanitizer to ensure your house is as clean as you expected it to be.

It is important to dry out all surfaces that you’ve cleaned to prevent any odd smelling scents in your recently remodeled home. Make sure to leave pantries open to dry out.

Step 7: Vacuum Again

When you know that you’re completely done, run the vacuum around the home once more. A ton of the residue will have settled at this point, so a last clean will help with limiting the risk of residue issues.

Step 8: Leave the Room (Highly Recommended!)

You can rest for a couple of moments. Leave any residue particles that have been trapped to settle down once more.

If you have different rooms that need cleaning, then it is an ideal opportunity to start clearing and tidying them. If your remodel was only for the one region, take it easy for 30 minutes.

Step 8: Hire Professionals

Can’t face the cleaning by yourself? Cleaning experts will handle it for you.

If post construction cleaning seems like a lot of work, or you’re simply tired from the remodeling process, a best maid service in Nashville can help.

Post-remodeling cleaning services are an incredible way to ensure your house is clean and waste free. You don’t have to complete the difficult work when another person will do it for you.


We hope that your remodeled house would sparkle after you have followed all the above-mentioned steps for cleaning it afterwards. However, we do believe these tasks are hectic and can be performed better by professionals. You can contact best maid service or specific remodel cleaning service in Nashville for professional cleaning.

Professional House Cleaning

Know the Process and Advantages of Nashville House Cleaning Services

Dirt, dust, and grime accumulate in every house corner, and the same is apparent, whether you stay in Westminster or Denver. Your kitchen becomes dirty due to food, grease, and water usage. The bathroom also requires regular disinfection. It is the prime source of bacteria and germs. All these calls for a professional Nashville house cleaning services if you’re staying at Colorado, so that you stay healthy without any complaints of allergies, a stomach infection, rashes, skin irritation, red-eye, and so on.

What is the process?

Getting a maid service from Westminster professional house cleaning services is about the convenience and skills they offer. Before starting to clean your home, ensure the spaces you believe need more attention. There is a need to keep your house seniors and kids away from the cleaning area so that cleaning is complete.

The cleaning service professionals are aware of keeping the process eco-friendly, natural, and pet-friendly. They use organic products and avoid harsh cleaners. The chemical and commercial cleaners that they use do not cause any irritation or side effects.


  • Hiring house cleaning services means they work for your family and you on schedule.
  • Home cleaning by professionals is important because they ensure quality services. It causes no harm to your furniture, valuables, and home décor. The professional contract includes stipulating for damaged property.
  • Taking a yearly or monthly plan allows you to enjoy a clean home consistently. You get to understand home better. The effort and time are less, and everything is available easily.
  • Taking Nashville maid services ensures you save time and money. You need not worry about any lurking nastiness any more. Enjoy a clean house at all times and relax, allowing them to carry on with the cleaning practices.

Recognize their effort and time by following the dos and don’ts. It will permit them to clean your home in minimal time.