5 Magic Ways To Make Winter Fun

For some, winter is one of the most beautiful times of the year.  For others, it’s a dreaded time, filled with the family stuck indoors for too long, arguing ensuing and all around misery happening.  It certainly doesn’t have to be that way.  Whether you love the cold or hate it, here are 5 magic ways to make winter fun.

  1. Try to take advantage of the cold.  Even if you may not like the cold, often times having fun in the cold will take your mind off of the cold itself.  Taking the time to try sledding, skiing, ice skating or even building a snow fort can make the winter not only bearable but also very enjoyable.  This is especially true for children as they almost always love to have fun in the snow or on the ice.  Whether they’re getting to see the lake frozen over, or playing out an Avengers battle with their own forts and snowballs, kids need to be allowed to enjoy winter outdoors when possible.
  2. Don’t want to battle the cold?  Stay in for a family movie night.  Take the time to go out and get the candy, popcorn, and soda and rent a movie that you haven’t seen or just want to enjoy again.  Cuddle up in the living room with the family and enjoy a night in.  There’s nothing like the fresh smell of popcorn to help you enjoy the movie and make the cold weather outside into an adventure.
  3. Are you more of a baker?  How about having a little bake-a-thon with the kids.  Allow them to take part in mixing batter, rolling it out, and cutting out the cookies.  Really turn it into a great night of philanthropy by making cookies for others.  Pick out some great shapes, cookie flavors, or decorations and go to town making cookies both to have at your house and to take and give to someone else.  Make even better by doing it outside of the holiday when others are normally getting cookies.
  4. Kick back for an “old fashioned night” and just have a reading night.  Have everyone grab their favorite books and you can either take turns reading out of your book to everyone, so that all those gathered can benefit from what each other is reading, or center it on one book or story that you either read aloud or you pass around to be read.  Go a step further and give each person a role from the book that they can transform into and act out the story as it’s read.
  5. Do you still have too much energy running through the veins (especially with kiddos?).  Through on the music and have a dance party.  If it’s to chilly to burn of the energy outside, let the music play and everyone just let themselves go to enjoy the craziness that can be had by just letting your hair down.  Don’t worry about being professionals, just enjoy getting a little crazy together.  Take a step further by planning a routine together – whether it be silly or serious.  Take the time and come up with the routine, practice it, and then perform it.

With the 5 magical steps above, the winter blues can be evaded and held off. There’s no need to be afraid of winter with such fun ways to make it more enjoyable for everyone.  Looking for more activities?  Try https://www.pinterest.com/binspiredmama/winterfun-for-kids/.

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